The monthly traffic feature, that’s sometimes also identified as bandwidth or info transfer, identifies the overall volume of information which is uploaded to your cloud website hosting account and downloaded from it every month. The website traffic is generated primarily by website visits - every time somebody loads your website, the webpages they view are downloaded from the website hosting server to their machine or smartphone and they are displayed by the browser. What counts for the web site traffic generated is the overall size of these pages, as a result the more website visitors you get for a given period of time, the more site traffic will be produced. In addition to the web site visits, file uploads will also be counted towards the total monthly transfer this means that whenever you upload site content or some other files using a file manager or an FTP software, they will also produce some site traffic. The counter resets on day one of each month and it's not related to the date you've registered as well as the date you've renewed your web hosting plan.

Monthly Traffic in Cloud Website Hosting

The monthly website traffic allowance for all of our cloud website hosting packages is sufficient for any kind of site. Whether you have a personal blog, a discussion board or eCommerce portal, how much info will be transferred to and from your account or getting to some modest allowance cap will not be a reason for your sites to be unavailable. In addition, we provide you with elaborate web site traffic info, so that you'll be able to observe how much data is being downloaded at any time. The hourly, daily and monthly figures will inform you on how the web sites perform, what type of files produce the most website traffic as well as much more useful info which can help you take care of the sites and your account as a whole. The statistics can be accessed with just a few clicks from the Hepsia web hosting Control Panel.

Monthly Traffic in Semi-dedicated Servers

Due to the fact that our semi-dedicated hosting plans are pretty efficient, we have made the decision not to put any type of restriction for the monthly website traffic that an account can generate. We consider that if you obtain a web hosting package that comes with a lot of computing power, your web sites will presumptively have lots of visitors and as each and every visitor makes a part of the site traffic, one may end up with unavailable web sites in case there is any limit for this feature. With truly unrestricted site traffic, you will be sure this can never happen. For your convenience, you'll be able to monitor the info being downloaded in addition to the traffic that is generated for each individual domain with hourly, daily and monthly statistics that will give you an idea how popular your web sites are. You can even see individual pages and files that have generated most of the website traffic in your semi-dedicated account.

Monthly Traffic in VPS Servers

All of the VPS plans that we supply feature a monthly traffic allowance proportional to the system resources they come with. The more hdd storage and computing power a server features, the more likely it is that you will host more sites on it, thus the site traffic you can use increases with every plan. In case you need additional traffic at some time, you can improve the package via your billing Control Panel with no more than a few clicks and the extra system resources, along with the increased traffic allowance, will be added to your current account. You will also be to check what amount of data has been transferred to and from your virtual server at any time. For your benefit, we will inform you as soon as you reach 90% of the quota to give you enough time to take action and decrease the website traffic or upgrade the package if required. From your control panel, you can view the site traffic stats for every domain or subdomain in your VPS account.

Monthly Traffic in Dedicated Servers

Considering how powerful all our dedicated web hosting plans are, the data transfer that you'll have each month will be sufficient for any kind of web site irrespective of the amount of its visitors, even if you provide file or image hosting. You'll receive an allowance of terabytes of site traffic each and every month and as you will not share the server with anybody else, that quota will be provided only for your websites and web apps. We'll contact you whenever you get to 90% of your allowance which means that you can react and either optimize your sites to reduce the site traffic they make, or extend your limit. It is highly unlikely that you may ever require more than what we will give you, but we won't stop the development of your websites, that's why we leave the possibility to add additional site traffic open. The dedicated server packages come with an administration panel where you can see the amount of site traffic has been generated so far for the present month and how much is left until you get to the restriction. Considering that these figures include software installations and updates, they are more accurate compared to any hosting Control Panel stats that include only the website traffic made by websites.