A File Manager is a web-based interface that enables you to handle the files in a hosting account in lieu of a third-party FTP program. Every File Manager tool supports a fundamental set of functions whatever the website hosting Control Panel it's a part of - renaming, deleting and moving files or whole folders along with all of the information in them, for example. Based on the specific CP, other features may be supported too, such as changing file permissions, handling archives or modifying the content of a specific file. With an easy-to-use File Manager, you could very easily control your files along with your web presence as a whole, while a hard-to-use one may make controlling your content aggravating, particularly if you haven't employed such a tool before.

File Manager in Cloud Website Hosting

When you order a cloud website hosting plan from our company, you may take advantage of a sophisticated File Manager tool, which is part of our Hepsia hosting Control Panel. It provides a lot of functions and even standard ones including copying or moving files can be accessed via right-click context menus, that will make you feel like you’re working with an app on your computer system. If you relocate entire folders, their structure shall be kept unchanged, so you won't have to be worried about scrambled files. The context menus will provide you with access to a whole lot of other sophisticated features too, so stuff like creating an archive of a whole folder or creating a password-protected area shall be only a mouse click away. Also, you won't need a third-party FTP program to upload content, since our File Manager supports drag & drop and folder uploads. You may also use three separate file editors – a plain text editor, a WYSIWYG editor and a code editor.

File Manager in Semi-dedicated Servers

The File Manager tool, which is an integral part of our custom Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, will give you complete control over your data and will eliminate the need of using third-party apps. If you want to upload a file to your semi-dedicated server account, you will simply need to drag-and-drop it, since the File Manager supports uploads, so you'll not need to employ an FTP client anymore. You'll also be able to relocate files and folders within the account just as fast and their structure shall be kept the same. If you would like to change the permissions of any file, to set up a password-protected area for a domain name or a subdomain or to edit a file using a plain text or an HTML editor, you'll simply need to use the right-click, because you can access all these features using right-click context menus - you’ll feel as if you’re working on your computer. To make managing your content a whole lot easier, you shall be able to organize it in ascending or descending order by name, size or last modified date.