Node.js is an open-source, event-driven runtime environment built with Google's V8 JavaScript Engine. It’s used for scalable web apps that require live interaction between a server and the Internet users and can considerably improve the performance of any site that uses it. Node.js is intended to process HTTP requests and responses and incessantly supplies small amounts of info. For instance, in case a new user fills a subscription form, the second any information is inserted in any of the boxes, it’s submitted to the server even if the other boxes are not filled out and the user hasn’t clicked any button, so the info is handled a whole lot faster. In comparison, other systems wait for the entire form to be filled and one sizeable hunk of information is then forwarded to the server. No matter how small the difference in the processing time may be, things change when the Internet site expands and there are a lot of persons using it simultaneously. Node.js can be used for booking websites, real-time web browser games or web-based chat clients, for example, and numerous corporations, among them Yahoo, LinkedIn and eBay, have already incorporated it into their services.

Node.js in Cloud Website Hosting

As Node.js is present on our cutting-edge cloud platform, you will be able to add it to your account and to use it for any web-based app that you’ve got, regardless of which cloud website hosting plan you’ve picked during the subscription process. The Upgrades menu in the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is included with all accounts, will allow you to pick the number of instances that you wish to use – this is the number of the web applications that will use Node.js. A few minutes later, you can enter the path to the app, in other words the location of the .js file in your web hosting account, as well as to pick the IP to acquire access to the file – a dedicated IP address or the server’s shared IP. In the new Node.js section that will appear in the Control Panel, you will be able to restart an instance or to cancel it in case you do not need it any longer. You’ll also be granted access to the output code with only a mouse click.

Node.js in Semi-dedicated Servers

All our semi-dedicated hosting plans offer Node.js, so if you wish to run any real-time application on our advanced cloud platform, you will be able to take full advantage of the power that Node.js can offer you with only several clicks in your Hepsia hosting Control Panel. This service is upgradeable, so in case you would like to use Node.js for multiple sites, you will be able to select the number of available instances, one instance being one application. Through the Hepsia Control Panel’s easy-to-use GUI, you’ll have to specify the location of the .js file for every instance and to choose if Node.js will use a dedicated IP address or the physical server’s shared one. Our cloud platform will set a random port number to access your application and you’ll see it in the corresponding section of the Control Panel. Hepsia will also allow you to view the output of any of your applications or to cancel/restart each instance independently.

Node.js in VPS Servers

All VPS plans that are ordered with our tailor-made Hepsia Control Panel come with Node.js as standard and you can take full advantage of this event-driven platform for each software application that you run on the Virtual Private Server. As we haven’t set a limit as to how many instances you can add, you can take advantage of the power of our VPSs and combine it with the full capacity of the Node.js platform. The configuration is done through the Hepsia Control Panel’s easy-to-navigate, point & click interface, so even if you’re not technically proficient, you won’t come across any obstacles while working with the platform. You will only have to insert the path in the account to the .js file that will use Node.js and to choose whether it will use a shared or a dedicated IP address. What’s more, our system will also specify a port number to access this file and you will be able to find it in the corresponding section in the Control Panel. With just one mouse click, you can view your apps’ output and to shut down or to reboot any Node.js instance running on the Virtual Private Server.

Node.js in Dedicated Servers

Node.js is available with all dedicated web hosting plans that are ordered with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, so you’ll be able to make the most of the platform as soon as your server is assembled. Since the Hepsia Control Panel is exceptionally easy to use, you’ll be able to make that without the need to deal with any complications, even if you have not used the Node.js platform before, as everything that you will have to do on your end is indicate the directory path to the .js file that will use the platform and the IP that will be used to access this file. The latter can be a dedicated IP or can be shared with other websites. You can activate as many Node.js instances as you want on our very powerful dedicated machines and each of them can be managed independently – you will be able to start, to reboot or to delete it, to see the output of the application that uses it, etc. This can be done via the simple-to-work-with, point ‘n’ click Hepsia Control Panel, so you can make the most of the power of Node.js with no effort.