2.5 Gbit Network Connectivity in Cloud Website Hosting
Our web servers are located in three data centers throughout the world - in the USA, in the UK and in Australia. You will be able to pick the location of your new cloud website hosting account during the signup process, but your visitors will be unable to tell the difference, because the multi-gigabit connection which we use will guarantee quick loading speeds for your websites regardless of the location of the center which you have chosen. The data centers have direct fiber lines to numerous major urban centers in their respective regions and use a number of Internet backbone providers to ensure speedy and uninterrupted access to each of the web servers. Additionally, we use new highly efficient hardware for the network which connects the clusters on our cloud hosting platform, to ensure quick access to each website hosted on it.
2.5 Gbit Network Connectivity in Semi-dedicated Servers
The US data center facility where we offer semi-dedicated server packages has fantastic connectivity to both the East Coast and the West Coast. The accounts are set up on our revolutionary web hosting platform, which uses a multi-gigabit traffic channel, so if you host your sites with us, the speed with which the visitors will open them shall depend completely on their Internet connection. The data center uses a range of Internet providers to ensure that the machines can be reached anytime, regardless of whether there are infrastructural troubles, while the reliable network within the facility guarantees continuous connection between the individual clusters of servers which are part of our system. In addition, we use top-notch hardware, like switches, network cards and firewalls, in order to tackle heavy volumes of traffic.